
ABOUTWhat is Beyond Invisible Borders ?

Beyond Invisible Borders is an art project where we will reflect on “invisible borders/walls” based on the hypothesis that there are many invisible walls / obstacles for many foreign residents and people with international backgrounds in Tokyo. Its purpose is to create a community, where residents in Tokyo - whether Japanese or foreign - can meet on a daily basis, while exploring these invisible borders faced by Tokyo residents (foreign residents in particular) and the problems caused by them.

We feel that, when people from various countries with different identities try to create something together, it results in them communicating with each individual with more respect regardless of their nationalities or cultural backgrounds. Our activities aim to rear these soft and flexible relationships within this group of individuals. We believe that these activities will give us experience and knowledge that will help us obtain the freedom and realization that are necessary for our co-existence in the future.

Details of our 2021 fiscal year programming can be found on our official notes.

kyodo 20_30What is kyodo 20_30 ?

Meaning of kyodo :

  • 経 堂kyodo

    An art project where we collaborate
    with youth aged 20-30 who will be responsible
    for our society in 10 years (in 2030).

  • 協 働kyodo

    Through various creations in regards to the “invisible borders/walls”
    which is the theme of Beyond Invisible Borders, we will have discussions and go
    through multiple processes for mutual-understanding.

  • 共同kyodo

    This program is based in Kyodo, Setagaya-ku in Tokyo, and it encourages
    participants to collaborate (kyodo) with people with different identities through
    workshops and lectures, and reflect on our future community (kyodo).

kyodo 20_30 is looking for new participants (players). Please contact Beyond Invisible Borders administrative office by email if interested - You can find our email address at the very bottom of this page. 

JOIN USLooking for
kyodo 20_30

We are looking for youth aged between 20-30 who fit at least one of the following criteria:

Requirements :
  • Foreign residents in Tokyo as well as anyone with
    foreign/non-Japanese backgrounds
  • Those interested in international communication and
    the idea of interacting with others with different
    cultural and linguistic backgrounds
  • Those interested in art and creation, but unsure of
    where to start
  • Those who would like to meet people with whom they
    can create and discuss together
Fees :


Dates :
  • 3-4 hour long workshops scheduled bi-weekly on
    Saturday afternoons from June 26, 2021 to February

Not including required creation/production time.

Location :
  • Kyodo Atelier
    4-31-8 Kyodo, Setagaya-ku
    Tokyo 156-0052
  • and various spots in and around Kyodo, Setagaya-ku

Flexible programming facilitation including online programming will be provided, depending on
social conditions.

How to Apply :
  • Please send an email with the following details to the
    program director: info@tokyokokkyo.tokyo.
    (We are planning to have online programming until
    July, and start in-person programming in August.)
  • Name
  • Age
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Brief description of why you want to participate
  • No deadline has been set at this time. Participants are recruited on a rolling basis.
  • Your personal information such as your name and phone number will be used for program
    administration purposes only.
  • Programming details may be subject to change.
  • We will switch from in-person programming to online programming when:
    • -It is asked that we refrain from having in-person gatherings by the Government of Japan or the
      Tokyo Metropolitan Government (e.x. state of emergency).
    • -Any Kyodo Atelier visitors are infected with COVID-19.
    • -The number of COVID-19 cases increase and the program organizers come to the decision to stop
      in-person programming.

To read more about our activities, you can visit our Facebook page.