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Performance canceled Red Kid - Journey to the West / Zhong Kui - The King of Ghosts
Qfun Theater & Theatre Company shelf | TPAM2020

The first performance of us in 2020 will be a TPAM 2020 fringe participation performance in February, an international co-production work of Qfun theater (China) and Theatre Company shelf (Japan).

This time, the children's theater company Qfun theater in Beijing has consigned production to Yano, an artistic director of shelf.

This is a theater work making with children, and for children, parents and adults as an audience. shelf's first attempt to collaborate with a Chinese troupe, as well as directing a children's theater.

The performance in TPAM fringe will be a double‐feature performance. Yano will direct one of it, the “Red Kid”, and this work has already been invited to the International Theater Festival to be held in Shanghai this April-May this year.

We're really looking forward to your visit. Thank you.

Red Kid - Journey to the West / Zhong Kui - The King of Ghosts Qfun Theater & Theatre Company shelf | TPAM2020

Red Kid: Based on the Chinese traditional myth Journey to the West, Red Kid shows how its two characters, Red Boy and Monkey King try to find their true selves through a quarrel, and eventually find the answer.

Zhong Kui: Based on the Chinese traditional myth with the same title, Zhong Kui is about a boy who prays to the God to help him to stop the bullying he suffers from at school. With the help from the King of Ghost, Zhong Kui, the boy finds the courage to face life.


Silk Center 1F, 1 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0023


  • 2.13 Thu 15:00
  • 2.14 Fri 15:00
  • 2.15 Sat 15:00
  • 2.16 Sun 15:00
Run Time 90 min (intermission 15 min)


General (Adv & Door): ¥3,000
Children over 5 years old, adults, and families ticket

TPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥2,000
About registration and My Page

About Qfun Theater

Since its opening with a primary focus on theatre education in 2008, QfunTheater has always striven to revitalize classic texts with the use of modern language, and let the classic texts be reborn in the modern world. In addition to the classic texts, we also create our original repertoire by collaborating with children in our work. We lead the frontline of culture and encourage more people to join children’s theater.

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